Mounts are one of the most desired items in the game and if they are BOE, they can fill your pockets in no time.
Mounts are one of the most desired items in the game and if they are BOE, they can fill your pockets in no time.
Chopper mount requires lots of valuable materials. That explains why these sell for even 20-30k(Retail price 60 k -120 k on private servers) in the auction house on some realms. The last 3 items in the list are either purchased from a vendor or salvaged from mechanical bosses inside Ulduar. To make the most gold, one should focus on farming the materials instead. It may take a long time if RNG does not favor you, but even if you choose to buy the materials from a vendor instead, you can still easily make 10k (Again retail price) profit per chopper. You can also sell the parts in the Auction House if you do not want to create choppers.
he chopper recipes can be purchased from Horde Expedition Quartermasters or Alliance Vanguard Quartermasters.
You can Create a chopper by combining the following items:
- Titansteel Bar (12)
- Handful of Cobalt Bolts (40)
- Arctic Fur (2)
- Salvaged Iron Golem Parts (1)
- Goblin-Machined Piston (8)
- Elementium-Plated Exhaust Pipe (1)
All of the items (Except furs) can be salvaged from the bosses below. Keep in mind though that some bosses can prove difficult if you're not skilled/geared. Flame Leviathan however requires no skill at all, so you can salvage at least once per week. You dont need any tactics here just make sure that you are Geared enough.
The following Ulduar bosses can be salvaged for the above materials:
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