WOLK has made engineering a little less profitable but there are still ways to make gold through the profession following are them methods by which you can still earn a lot of gold :
- Scopes
- Crafting Engineering Mats
- Mechano-Hog
- Gas Clouds
So lets start with scope. how can you make gold by selling scopes the answer is simple Hunters are always in the need of scopes so as long as there are hunter you can sell scopes as many as you want
The list of the scopes you are going to craft since these scopes sell pretty much equally on every realm or server :
- Diamond-cut Refractor Scope
- Sun Scope
- Heartseeker Scope
Crafting Engineering Mats
Another way to make gold to is to craft the items that are needed to make other engineering items. For instance Craft a Froststeel Tube (8 cobalt ore/bars, 1 Crystallized water). I have been able to sell these for a good price more to people who are just looking for the tube to craft something and dont want to spend the time looking up the mats for it. The same can be done with the handful of bolts and other tubes and frames.
Crafting the Mechano-Hog is another way to make some gold via tips. The vendor mats cost roughly 12kg and I have seen engineers craft it for people for 13-14k (retail 50-60 k on private servers) with their mats (making 1-2k tip profit again retail price higher on private servers).Also another good thing about BOE mounts is not many people create these the AH is mostly dry of these mounts so you can earn a decent amount of gold if there are a few people selling this mount on your relam.
Gas Clouds
Well guys i will say this is my most Favorite farming method also you can make a lot of gold by selling those Eternals as well also focus of farming Eternal fire & air since many people are always looking around to buy some. So here a few best places to farm gas clouds just follow these & you will get plenty.
Shalozar Basin
Dragon Blight
I will post the maps of clouds positions as well soon untill then Takecare :)
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