Sunday 15 December 2013

Some Instance & Map Id's ( For Both Cata & Mop )

Here is a current list of map id's used for anything from creaing new instances and the like, I would also to note that My emupedia name as well as others is megamoocow in the forums.

the know map Id's of know instances. 0 and 1 & 530 are just world map id's not instances! 530 is outland.

0= azeroth (World Map)
1= kalimdor (World Map)
13 = Test 
25 = Scott test
29 = Test
30 = PVPzone01 (alterac Valley)
33 = Shadowfang 
34 = stormwindjail
35 = stormwindprison
36 = deadminesInstance
37 = PVPZone02 (azshara crater)
42 = collin
43 = WailingCaverns
44 = monastery (Old and not used scarlet type instance)
47 = razorfenKrualInstance
48 = blackfathom deeps
70 = uldaman
90 = gnomeragonInstance
109 = sunken temple
129 = razorfenDowns
169 = emerald dream (Was supposed to be for the emeral dream xpac un-used)
189 = monasteryInstances
209 = TanrisInstance
229 = BlackRockSpire
230 = BlackRockDepths
249 = OnyxiaLairInstance
269 = CavernsOftime
289 = schoolofNecromany
309 = Zul`gurub
329 = Stratholme
349 = Mauradon
369 = DeeprunTram
389 = OrgrimmarInstance
409 = MoltenCore
429 = Diremaul
449 = AlliancePVPBarracks
450 = hordePVPbarracks
451 = development
469 = blackwingLair
489 = PVPzone03 (warsong gulch)
509 = Ahnqiraj
529 = PVPzone04 (arathi basin)
530 = expansion01 (ouland world map)
531 = ahnQirajTemple
532 = Karazahn
533 = stratholme raid
534 = hyjalPast
540 = Hellfiremilitary
542 = HellfireDemon
543 = hellfireRamparts
544 = hellfireRaid
545 = coilfangPumping
546 = coildfangMarsh
547 = coilfangDraenei
548 = coilfangRaid
550 = tempestkeepRaid
552 = tempestkeeparcane
553 = tempestkeepatrium
554 = tempestkeepFactory
555 = auchindounShadow
556 = auchindounDemon
557 = auchindounEthereal
558 = auchindounDraenie
559 = PVPZone05 (nagrand arena)
560 = HillsBradpast
562 = BladesedgeArena
564 = Blacktemple
565 = gruulsLair
566 = netherStormBG
568 = ZulAman
572 = PVPLordaeron
582 = Transport176244
584 = Transport176231
586 = Transport181645
587 = Transport177233
588 = Transport176310
589 = Transport175080
590 = Transport176495
591 = Transport164871
593 = Transport20808


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