Sunday 5 January 2014

KeySpam: Timed Keys Sender v1.1


This program sends Keys to the selected window using the WinApi function: PostMessage. In the first release, the program would not allow to send any special character such as Enter or Up/Down; it would only allow to input some text, that would sometime not send as text (making it impossible to make it type in chatbox). This release allows you to choose between Text or Key. It does allow to load and save keys lists. This is not limited to WoW, it can be used with any game/program.


The settings on that screenshot will send "Hello!" every ~2 seconds. It's as simple as that.


This can be used as anti-AFK very easily, just make it press any key every 10 seconds, and it will make the game not send AFK message to server for not receiving any action.



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