Monday 16 December 2013

Farming Cataclysm Heroics for Gold - Part 2 - End Time ( For MOP You will need a Full party in Cata)

End Time is a little dissatisfaction provided that you are after gold. There's scarcely any junk here, so there's relatively few drops either. The Bosses additionally drop senseless amounts of silver. On the other hand, at any rate they drop Epics. Particularly weapons sell really great to vendor, very nearly 50 gold. You get to clear 2 arbitrary regions, and provided that you're lucky, you'll get to battle the Echo of Jaina. There's way more junk around there. Assuming that you get to battle the Echo of Tyrande, then you're not getting any loot, Beside the epic from the Boss.

There's also BOE epics dropping here quite often, but they are worthless if compared to MOP greenies. Better to sell them to a vendor or disenchant. 


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